[翻译] Braid: 时间与宽恕(稿)

声明: 以下内容并非我原创,我只是将其翻译成壮语。其英文部分乃摘录自游戏《Braid》英文版,而繁体中文部分摘自《Braid》繁体版。

Braid 是个很不错的游戏,推荐玩玩。




Part 1.

Tim is off on a search to rescue the Princess. She has been snatched by a horrible and evil monster.

Tim ij bey kla bey gouj zaujnangz dohleer. Zauj ngaiz duz mangzyiu ruix leng gaeb bey leer.



This happened because Tim made a mistake.

Baenz zouh Tim gug loeng yuengh leng lour.


Part 2.

Not just one. He made many mistakes during the time they spent together, all those years ago. Memories of their
relationship have become muddled, replaced wholesale, but one remains clear: the Princess turning sharply away, her
braid lashing at him with contempt.

Meyj gaen aen ndeu. De gos gug loengmlad bey lai doenghbui gons nauz hujde leix zaemhgaen yous neemj. Seizneij nin gais gvanhayh(关系) yayz hujde meyj ndayj leer, leix nin hoh ndeu ndayj zeengx demh, nauz: zaujnangz danzdanz vaenslaeng bey, leux bizzauj faens deyz de, zaemh ngungxyod de.


Part 3.

He knows she tried to be forgiving, but who can just shrug away a guilty lie, a stab in the back? Such a mistake will change a relationship irreversibly, even if we have learned from the mistake and would never repeat it. The Princess’s eyes grew narrower. She became more distant.

De rox nauz zauj naemj yeengxbeu hayj gvas, hoengh blayz ngaiz laux ro ngaiz camz laeblaeng leux, yeengxles ndayj dangs meyj vengjnday zey nic? Gug loengmlad baenzneij gaengj gughayj gais gven-hayh mlonx maz boiz meyjndayj, zaih rauz hagndayj saekgais heis gvamz loengmlad leux meyj gug hayj loeng gos meyj ndayj. Aen ta Zaujnangz ij laep dohleeh, zauj de caen bey heems glay leer.


Part 4.

Our world, with its rules of causality, has trained us to be miserly with forgiveness. By forgiving too readily, we can be badly hurt. But if we’ve learned from a mistake and become better for it, shouldn’t we be rewarded for the learning, rather than punished for the mistake?

Biengz rauz, meiz kvei-zaek(规则) nauz yuenghzouh, neemj somxson rauz hayj ged di yeengxbeu. Yeengxbeu hayj riuz lai rauz dos ngaiz raeb een laeglai. Hoengh Langhnauz rauz hag ndayj hong heis gvamz loengblad, gos gughayj faenshzauj ndei heenj leux, hab ndayjzuengs(获奖) deeg meyjdos? Gvaemj ngaiz fad nic?


Part 5.

What if our world worked differently? Suppose we could tell her: “I didn’t mean what just said,” and she would say: “It’s okay, I understand,” and she would not turn away, and life would really proceed as though we had never said that thing? We could remove the damage but still be wiser for the experience.

Biengz rauz sayjhok meyj doengz nic? Langhnauz rauz nauz: “Daux meyjndayj maitaengz baenneij gaz” ndayj nic? Leux zauj zaemh han nauz: “Meyj baenzlayz gaz, daux haujzey leuh,” baensleux de gos meyj vaenslaeng bey, leux hokziuh zaemh ndayj plaij dem tozbey dangs meyjndayj gangj saekgais gvas? Rauz gos ndaep gvamz sidruix ndayj, leux zaemh leix coengmeengz yous hokraeb.


Part 6.

Tim and the Princess lounge in the castle garden, laughing together, giving names to the colorful birds. Their mistakes are hidden from each other, tucked away between the folds of time, safe.

Tim caus Zaujnangz hietbaeg yous suenmlok nday sengzbaos(城堡), riu zaemhgaen, des ciu duznoeg caijsaek(彩色). Gvamz loengmlad song boux de, tozndoj yous, leux baeb yous nday seizgan, hayj anzienz.




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